Aeon Lee (イオン・リー Ion Rī) is a fictional character in the Shaman King manga and anime series. He belongs to the Gandhara faction led by Sati Saigan.
Aeon is a man who wears a business suit with dark trousers and a necktie with an orange blazer. He is frequently seen taking care of the elephant that has accompanied Gandhara throughout the Shaman Fight.
Aeon appears to have a pleasant personality when the rest of Gandhara appears in order to protect Lady Sati when she approaches Asakura Yoh. Like many members of Gandhara, he refers to Sati as "princess" and is very protective of her.
Abilities and Powers[]
Like the other Gandhara members, Aeon Lee underwent training in Hell to increase his furyoku and become a Kami-class shaman.[2]
His Guardian Ghost is Shatora (シャトラ ), a Kami-Class Buddhist spirit, whom he Over Souled with his necktie.[1]
Aeon was born on October 30, 1960 in Hong Kong in China.[1]
Shaman Fights Second Round[]
Unlike the other members of Gandhara, Aeon is not part of a formal team during the tournament of the Shaman Fight. He appears mostly as a background character in the group.
Anime/Manga Difference[]
Like the other Gandhara members, Aeon Lee does not appear in the 2001 anime series.
- He is named for AEON MALL Co., Ltd.
- Originally, Team Deva was made up of Aeon Lee, Mamy, and Sei-Kyow; this was later changed and Samy and Ozam replaced Aeon and Sei-Kyow.[3]
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