Shaman King Wiki


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Anise (アニス Anisu) is a fictional character in the Shaman King 2001 anime series. She is a member of Team "Arabian".


Anise is a dark-skinned woman due to her Arabian heritage. She wears an orange dress and several golden bands around her neck and forehead. She also wears a veil over her long, black hair. She carries her Oracle Bell in a form of a necklace.


Anise is a kind and compassionate woman who believes that everything on Earth should be free and not be held in captivity. She used to feel that she was being controlled by Haloune until his defeat by Umemiya Ryunosuke, he decided to let Anise be an individual.

Abilities and Powers[]


See More: Arabian Oryx



Not much is known about Anise's past but at some point, her parents arranged her marriage with Haloune.

Shaman Fights Second Round[]

Anime/Manga Difference[]

Anise is a 2001 anime-only character and as such does not appear in the manga series nor in the 2021 anime series.



External Links[]

[v · e · ?]
Team "Arabian"
Team "Arabian"
Members: Haloune  •  Anise  •  Kiane
Spirits: Haloune's Genie  •  Arabian Oryx  •  Scarab Spirit
Related Articles
Groups: Team "Arabian"