Ball Boy (ボールボーイ Bōru Bōi) is a fictional character in the Shaman King manga and anime series. He was a member of Umemiya Ryunosuke's gang.[1]
Ball Boy is a fat and sorta stubby man who seems to wear no shirt and has a long pointy nose. He has blue eyes. He has the letters "B.B" tattooed on his stomach.
Despite his fierce appearance, Ball Boy is actually quite kind.[2] He is very superstitious and a bit of a coward.[3]
Meeting Yoh[]
Ball Boy was terrified of Yoh because he defeated Ryu. He later befriended Yoh. He was a mean follower for a long time before that. He, Ryu, and the other followers got in lots of fights with numerous gangs. They lost a lot too.
Meeting with Tokageroh[]
Shaman Fights in Tokyo[]
Travel through America[]
Anime/Manga Difference[]
In the English anime version of the anime series, he mentions having a cousin that spent the night at a haunted house and was never seen again or heard from again.[4]