Shaman King Wiki

For other eleventh chapters in the franchise, see Chapter 11.

[Episode - Sati] Kado, the Opulent Maharajah (Part 3) (カドゥ 驕るマハラジャ ~後編~ Kadu Ogoru Maharaja ~Kōhen~) is the 11th chapter of the Shaman King Zero manga series.

Short Summary[]

Kado recognizes Sati Saigan as a shaman, though she fails to understand his claims. When his Ganesha Over Soul attacks her, Senju and her Buddha companions come to her rescue. Asura explains that Sati's ability to summon and maintain the Buddha through prayers is what qualifies her as a shaman and has made her incredibly powerful. Outraged that Sati gained so much power without even realizing it, Kado reveals that his greed for power lead to his family abandoning him and to a dark spirit corrupting him. Sati asserts that impermanence of things is an opportunity for change rather than loss and has Senju soundly defeats Kado. Her words reach Kado, though Sati is disgusted that his offer to marry him still stands.

In the present, Sati reiterates to Komeri that learning to accept sadness may save Asakura Hao.

Long Summary[]

Characters Appearances[]

