Shaman King Wiki


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For the spirit also based on Acala, see Fudo Myooh.

The Fire Angel is a spirit from the Shaman King 2001 anime series.


Fire Angel is the Guardian Ghost of Fudou. He is a Kami class spirit, so he is very strong.

Over Soul and Attacks[]


Fire Angel's Unnamed O.S.

  • Shaman: Fudou
  • O.S. Type:
  • Spirit Ally: Fire Angel
  • Medium Used:

Description: By using his Over Soul, Fudou creates a pair of red wings while he had a halo on his back.

  • Wind and fire attack: Fudou can create very powerful wind and fire attacks with his sword.
  • Projectiles: He can shoot projectiles from his wings.

Anime/Manga Difference[]

The Fire Angel is a 2001 anime only spirit and as such does not appear in the manga series nor in the 2021 anime series.


  • The spirit's design is based on Acala, or Fudō Myōō, which is also the namesake for his shaman.


External Links[]

[v · e · ?]
Spirit Hunters
Members: Fudou  •  Gekkou  •  Nikkou
Spirits: Fire Angel  •  Seitaka Doji  •  Kongara Doji