Shaman King Wiki

Green Garam (グリーン・ガラム Gurīn Garamu) is a fictional character in the Shaman King series. He was a shaman in the Shaman Fight who traveled with Savage Pan and Mr. Little Lake.


He is a short man with gray hair and wears a green scarf, sunglasses and a black coat. He also carries a staff with him.




See More: THAT

Green Garama's Guardian Ghost is THAT, the ghost of a murderous clown.[3]



Green Garam was born October 11, 1944. He was a poor magician who was born into a family of American spirit mediums. He got money by using his Over Souls within his street magic shows. He could have succeeded in the city of Las Vegas with his Over Soul but was quite camera shy to act on stage with such a large amount of people watching him. His guardian ghost was the murderous ghost named THAT. He offends collected playing cards as a personal hobby of his, until he got the famous "Devilish Homicide Card" and ended up being possessed by the spirit inhabiting it.

THAT was a very intelligent, ingenious and evil ghost. Green did not know it, but THAT was controlling him all the time. THAT explained the reasons to enter the Shaman Fight, and Green entered.[3]

Shaman Fight in Tokyo[]

Not much is known about his performance during the preliminary round, but Green Garam did win two matches and advanced to the main competition. He and the other qualifying competitors attended the opening ceremony at Mimata Hall.[4]

Traveling Through America[]

A month later, Green Garam and the other competitors gathered at Yokocha Base and were flown to America in the Patch Jumbo. The shamans were tasked with locating and reaching the Patch Village within three months. While still tens of thousands of feet in the air, the jumbo jet was revealed to be an Over Soul shortly before it was dematerialized, dropping all of its passengers.[5]

Hao incinerates Lake, Pan and Garam

Hao incinerates Green Garam and his companions.

Green Garam teamed up with Savage Pan and Mr. Little Lake and reached Yonta Fe, where they tried to get Lilirara to tell them where the Patch Village was. She said that her tricks would not work on them because their weak minds were too small and degenerate. When they tried to force her, Usui Horokeu struck all three of them, knocking them unconscious.[6] The next day, the three men returned to Lilirara's home in hopes of getting revenge but saw Asakura Hao killing Lilirara. Hao then incinerated them because their furyoku levels were too low to be of use to him.[1]


After Hao became Shaman King, Green Garam, Savage Pan, and Little Lake boarded the train of souls in the Great Spirit and traveled to the highest level in support of the Five Elemental Warriors. When Team "Magical Princess" pleaded for Hao to resurrect them in younger bodies, Green Garam and others yelled at the women for upsetting Hao.[7]

Anime/Manga Difference[]

In the 2001 anime, Garam, Little Lake, and Pan were attacked by Lyserg Diethel in his desperate search for strong partners.[8] The three later team up to get their revenge on Lyserg and are given Morphin's cage by Hao's followers; however, Asakura Yoh and his friends come to Lyserg's aid and defeat the three men. The three are later killed by Asakura Hao for their failures.[9]

In the 2021 anime, his role closely follows the events of the manga; however, he, Little Lake, and Pan were not killed off by Hao's Spirit of Fire, nor were they seen on the train in the Great Spirit.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Shaman King Manga - Chapter 85
  2. 2.0 2.1 Shaman King Guidebook - Volume 11, Character File No.50
  3. 3.0 3.1 Shaman King Manga - Kang Zeng Bang Volume 8 Extras; Shaman File 103
  4. Shaman King Manga - Chapter 65
  5. Shaman King Manga - Chapters 78-80
  6. Shaman King Manga - Chapter 84
  7. Shaman King Manga - Chapter 299
  8. Shaman King Anime - Episode 27
  9. Shaman King Anime - Episode 28

External Links[]
