Shaman King Wiki


Light"How small."Light

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Gurai (グライ) is a Jiang Shi in the Shaman King 2001 anime series. She is the Guardian Ghost of Soumei.


Anime/Manga Differences[]

Gurai is a 2001 anime-only character and as such does not appear in the manga series.



External Links[]

[v · e · ?]
Tao Family
Members: Tao Chin  •  Tao Ran  •  Tao En  •  Tao Jun  •  Tao Ren  •  Tao Jeanne  •  Tao Men
Servants: Gein (2001 Anime Only)  •  Soumei (2001 Anime Only)  •  Kyou (2001 Anime Only)
Spirits: Bason  •  Hei-Tao  •  Tao Family Ancestors  •  Spirit of Thunder  •  Shamash  •  Four Perils
Jiang Shis: Lee Pyron  •  Shamon  •  Shu  •  Kyo  •  Gohukuseitai  •  Torture Brothers  •  Shimamura Jōtarō  •  Corpse Infantry  •  Yugai (2001 Anime Only)  •  Gurai (2001 Anime Only)  •  Jackie (2001 Anime Only)
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