Joh! Butsu: Sankiemon (JOH!仏~SANKIEMON~,Jō! Butsu Sankiemon, English: "Nirvana! Three Refuges Verse") is a song written, composed, and performed by BōZ, Sugimoto Ryo and Yoneda Zen. The song is based on the Buddhist sutra "Three Refuges Verse" (三帰依文,Sankiemon) and can be played to exorcise opponents' Guardian Ghosts, sending them to the afterlife;[1] however, it is ineffective against spirits from different cultures.[2]
A rendition of this was used as Ryo's character theme in the 2001 Shaman King anime series. It was written and arranged by Masato Yamada and performed by Nobuyuki Hiyama, Zen's voice actor.