Kali (カーリー Kārī) is a fictional character in the Shaman King The Super Star manga series. She is the Goddess of Blood and Slaughter from ancient Indian mythology.[1] For the Flower of Maize, she is the Guardian Ghost of Yun Namukada.[2]
Kali is a ferocious deity to behead Thorim without a hesitation, and Yun is seemingly seeing Kali as troublesome. Yun notes that Kali would easily lose her temper and go on the rampage, and Yun would have to control the goddess by force although Yun noted that once if Kali would be angered, that would be "beyond the matter of win or lose".[2]

Kali smothers Shiva with affection.
Although she is known as a wife of Shiva Sahasranama,[1] Kali calls him "Shiva-kun", using a friend-like honorific rather than for a spouse. On the contrary to Shiva's fear for Kali, she deeply loves him as she joyfully asked Yun about his location with an expectation to meet him while Yun wants to hide about where he is. This is because Shiva is afraid of Kali and avoids her, and Kali would instantly fly to him once she knows his location.[2] When she learned that Shiva had defected to Team B, Kali was enraged, believing that someone must have deceived him.[1]
At some point in the past, Kado raised and trained Yun to become the shaman for Kali.[1] Kali calls Yun "Yun-Nyamu" (ユンにゃむ ).[2]
New Trance and Attacks[]

New Trance: Yun-Kali
- New Trance "Yun-Kali" (ユン・カーリー Yun Kārī)
- This fusion of Yun and Kali appears as a masked figure with a pair of large, armored hands connected to her back. She also carries a sword in her right hand.[1]
External Links[]
- Kali - A Wikipedia article about the Hindu deity.