Shaman King Wiki
Shaman King Wiki

The Lincoln-X (リンカーンX Rinkān X) is a 1972 Lincoln Continental Mark IV owned by the X-Laws.[1]


The limousine is used by the X-Laws when they have to escort Iron Maiden Jeanne around and is chauffeured by Marco Lasso. It has the X-Laws' symbol as a hood ornament, and Jeanne's Iron Maiden can be tied onto the back of the car. The backseat windows have curtains in order to give the passengers privacy.

It was first seen used when Marco and Lyserg Diethel escorted Jeanne to meet with Asakura Yoh, after Yoh had Oyamada Manta ask Jeanne to revive Tao Ren.[2] The car was destroyed by Anahol Pokki's Over Soul when he attacked Jeanne to avenge the death of his brother.[3]

Anime/Manga Differences[]

The Lincoln-X is never seen in the 2001 anime.



  1. Shaman King Manga - Volume 18, Item File No.51
  2. Shaman King Manga - Chapter 154
  3. Shaman King Manga - Chapter 233

External Links[]

[v · e · ?]
X-I: Iron Maiden Jeanne  •  Marco Lasso  •  Lyserg Diethel
X-II: Porf Griffith  •  John Denbat  •  Larch Dirac
X-III: Cebin Mendel  •  Chris Venstar  •  Meene Montgomery
Others: Luchist Lasso  •  Hans Reiheit  •  Teruko Reiheit
Spirits: Michael  •  Raphael  •  Sariel  •  Gabriel  •  Uriel  •  Metatron  •  Remiel  •  Zelel  •  Shamash  •  Lucifer  •  Azazel  •  Morphin  •  The Loafers
Related Articles
Groups: Angels  •  Archangels  •  Team Marcos
Vehicles: Ark-X  •  Lincoln-X
Tools: Jeanne's Iron Maiden  •  X-Armory  •  Marco's Glasses