Shaman King Wiki


Light"How small."Light

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Nyorai (ニョライ) is a fictional character in the Shaman King 2001 anime series. She is the leader and sole member of Team "Dairedo".[1]


Nyorai is a beautiful young girl who wears traditional robes and a tall crown.


Though Nyorai appears to be a gentle little girl who helps others, she is actually very cruel and will attempt to win fights as easily as possible.

Abilities and Powers[]

Her most dangerous skill is a spell she can cast on people's minds making them think they are controlled by something Nyorai calls "the darkness in your heart".[1]


Nyorai has three spirits: Jon, Gon, and San. Channeled through stone statues, their Over Souls appear as a humanoid monkey, kappa, and pig.[1]


Shaman Fights Second Round[]

Anime/Manga Difference[]

Nyorai is a 2001 anime-only character and as such does not appear in the manga series. However, her appearance greatly resembles Sati Saigan of Gandhara.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shaman King Anime - Episode 50

External Links[]
