Shaman King Wiki


Light"This is unexpected."Light

Warning! This page contains spoilers from a recently released or yet-to-be-translated chapter. Caution is advised as the translations are unofficial and may contain inaccuracies.

Pai-Fu (白虎パイフー Paifū, Chinese pinyin: Báihǔ) is the Holy Beast of the West and the Guardian Ghost of Dong Yonhon.[1]


Pai-Fu's bell

Pai-Fu's bell

Pai-Fu is one of the Four Holy Beasts, a group of Kami-class spirits belonging to the Dong Family.[1] Dong Suhon created mechanical child-like bodies for the Four Holy Beasts,[2] and Yonhon operates Pai-Fu through a small bell with a carving that corresponds to the spirit's animal, a tiger.[3]

Pai-Fu shares Yonhon's penchant for manipulating others, including through lies and illusions,[1][3] and assists Yonhon in manipulating Dong Honhon by placing the siblings' mother in a coma[4] and blaming it on the Tao Family.[5]

Abilities and Powers[]

Pai-Fu has the ability of "sensation control" (感覚操作 kankaku sōsa), which allows the spirit to manipulate the senses of a target and create realistic illusions.[3] This ability can also be used to completely suppress the senses, leaving the target in a coma.[4]

  • All Trance (大虎オールトランス Ōru Toransu, lit. "Big Tiger"): Pai-Fu takes control of the target's five senses and traps them in an illusion that exploits their own feelings.[3]
  • Boost All Senses (全神経ブースト Zen Shinkei Būsuto): Pai-Fu enhances the target's nervous system, enabling them to move with greater speed and strength.[3]

New Trance and Attacks[]



Da-Paifu (大白虎ダーパイフー Dā-Paifū)[6]


  • Pai-Fu's appearance and abilities are based on Sophia from Takei's ULTIMO series.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shaman King Manga - Red Crimson Chapter 8
  2. Shaman King Manga - The Super Star Chapter 54
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Shaman King Manga - Red Crimson Chapter 13
  4. 4.0 4.1 Shaman King Manga - Red Crimson Chapter 16
  5. Shaman King Manga - Red Crimson Chapter 11
  6. Shaman King Manga - The Super Star Chapter 57

External Links[]

  • White Tiger - A Wikipedia article about the Chinese mythological symbol on whom Pai-Fu is based.
[v · e · ?]
Dong Family
Main Family: Dong Suhon  •  Dong Shue  •  Dong Dehon  •  Dong Keihon  •  Dong Yonhon  •  Dong Shahon  •  Dong Honhon
Branch Families: Director Ten  •  Enki
Spirits: Chi-Lin  •  Ju-Che  •  Shen Woo  •  Pai-Fu  •  Chinron  •  Keiten  •  Jiang Shi
Related Articles
Groups: Four Holy Beasts  •  Team YVS  •  Daremoine
[v · e · ?]
Team YVS
God: Fra YVS
General: Kamogawa Yohsuke
Captains: Sati Saigan
Knights Templar: Thorim  •  Zirko  •  Gali  •  Rin  •  Argo  •  Aen  •  Suzu  •  Califora  •  Krypt  •  Tetts
Others: Spimea Lasso  •  Dong Suhon  •  Asakura Muntzer Redseb  •  Asakura Muntzer Seyrarm  •  Phillip M. Wyden  •  Oyamada Mansumi  •  Hebishima Yumeji  •  Tamurazaki Midori
Former Members: Niaes Varge  •  Dong Honhon  •  Dong Dehon  •  Dong Keihon  •  Dong Shahon  •  Dong Yonhon
Spirits: Tao Jeanne  •  Keiten  •  Ju-Che  •  Shen Woo  •  Chinron  •  Pai-Fu  •  Chi-Lin  •  Lucifer  •  Dainichi Nyorai  •  Kali  •  Moloch  •  Lilith  •  Machete Dragon  •  Captain Wing  •  Knucklehead  •  Big Fang  •  Cutting Edge
Tools: YVS  •  YVS Cards  •  Golem
Related Articles
Groups: Dong Family  •  Lasso Family  •  Rapt  •  Daremoine
F.O.M Teams: Team Hao  •  Team Marcos  •  Team B  •  Team Gilgames
Events: Flower of Maize