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Purple Kick (パープルキック Pāpuru Kikku) is the spirit of a grasshopper[2] and was originally the Guardian Ghost of Chrom. His younger brother, Nichrom, inherited the spirit after Chrom's death.


According to Nichrom, Purple Kick has the greatest leg strength of the ten Patch Officiant's Guardian Ghosts.[3] It originally belonged to Chrom and after his death, Nichrom kept his older brother's Guardian Ghost.

Chrom's Over Souls and Attacks[]


O.S. Purple Kick as used by Chrom

O.S. Purple Kick (O.S. パープルキック Pāpuru Kikku)[2]
  • Shaman: Chrom
  • O.S. Type: Weapon Type
  • Spirit Ally: Purple Kick
  • Medium Used: Unknown

Description: From what little has been revealed of the fight that occurred between Chrom and Tao Ren, this Over Soul seemingly demonstrates the ability to shoot a sort of energy beam of concentrated furyoku. Chrom also appeared to demonstrate the ability to leap tremendous distances using this Over Soul, avoiding an attack by jumping several stories into the air and leaving only a trail of furyoku emitted from his feet behind.[4]

Nichrom's Over Souls and Attacks[]

O.S. Purple Kick (O.S. パープルキック Pāpuru Kikku)
2 OS

O.S. Purple Kick as used by Nichrom

  • Shaman: Nichrom
  • O.S. Type: Weapon Type
  • Spirit Ally: Purple Kick
  • Medium Used: Unknown

Description: Using the spirit Purple Kick, Nichrom creates a new form of Over Soul over his legs which boosts of their strength, resulting in an incredible gain in speed.[3]

  • Insect Dance (踊る虫ダンスインセクト Dansu Insekuto): Nichrom extends the forelegs upon Purple Kick, before kicking an opponent. This not only results in an increase in the kick's range but by using the incredible boost in both strength and speed to Nichrom's legs, provided by Purple Kick, he generates tremendous power behind each kick.[3]

Anime/Manga Difference[]

Because of the violence of the fight between Tao Ren and Chrom, it was toned down in the 2001 anime series and Purple Kick was never shown.



  1. Shaman King Guidebook - Mentalite (p.137)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Shaman King Manga - Kang Zeng Bang Volume 25 Extras; Shaman File 324
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Shaman King Manga - Chapter 291
  4. Shaman King Manga - Chapter 179

External Links[]

[v · e · ?]
Patch Tribe
Tribe Chief: Goldva  •  Uran Uran
Ten Patch Officiants: Silva  •  Kalim  •  Radim  •  Namari  •  Nichrom  •  Blon  •  Magna  •  Rutherfor  •  Renim  •  Thallim  •  Zinc (2001 Anime Only)
Others: Chrom  •  Lip & Rap  •  Hydro (Hao)  •  Alumi Numbirch
Spirits: Big Chief  •  Silver Arms  •  Black Sickle  •  Red Rope  •  Platinum Sword  •  Magnescope  •  Blue Net  •  Yellow Whip  •  Clear Coat  •  Green Seeds  •  Grey Saucer  •  Purple Kick  •  Zinc Arms (2001 Anime Only)
Five Elemental Spirits: Spirit of Earth  •  Spirit of Fire  •  Spirit of Rain  •  Spirit of Thunder  •  Spirit of Wind
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Groups: Patch Tribe  •  Knights Templar
Vehicles: Patch Vehicles
Tools: Oracle Bell  •  iPatch