Reincarnation 105: The Wrath of Angels (おかみ降臨 Okami Kōrin) is the 105th chapter of the Shaman King manga.
Short Summary[]
Marco Lasso accuses Asakura Yoh of siding with Hao, but Yoh insists that he is neutral. When Mohamed Tabarsi and Hang Zang-Ching try to leave, the X-Laws prepare to kill them as well. Yoh attacks Marco and points out that their killing makes them like Hao, which infuriates Marco. When Michael and Amidamaru clash, Harusame breaks and Marco decides to spare Yoh.
Meanwhile, Oyamada Manta's helicopter lands on Mesa Verdede, and the group is greeted by Hao.
Long Summary[]
Characters Appearances[]
- Bill Burton
- Marco Lasso
- Porf Griffith
- Meene Montgomery
- Larch Dirac
- John Denbat
- Asakura Yoh
- Amidamaru
- Lyserg Diethel
- Tao Ren
- Horohoro
- Umemiya Ryunosuke
- Mohamed Tabarsi
- Hang Zang-Ching
- Kororo
- Bason
- Tokageroh
- Chris Venstar
- Cebin Mendel
- Michael
- Oyamada Manta
- Kyōyama Anna
- Tamamura Tamao
- Tamurazaki Midori
- Ponchi and Conchi
- Asakura Hao
- Opacho
- The results of the first character popularity poll were published alongside the chapter in the magazine release.