Shaman King Wiki

Reincarnation 218: It's a Supercar (スーパーカーだ Sūpākā da) is the 218th chapter of the Shaman King manga.

Short Summary[]

While Iron Maiden Jeanne contemplates the truth of her past, Marco Lasso reveals to Asakura Yoh and Lyserg Diethel that the Archangels are actually supercars and that he used to be car salesmen before meeting Asakura Hao. With the truth of the X-Laws out in the open, Marco decides to kill himself, but Jeanne shows him mercy and convinces him to continue living. She also thanks Yoh for his help and looks forward to settling their dispute in the Shaman Fight.

Long Summary[]

Characters Appearances[]


  • The results of the second character popularity poll were published alongside the chapter in the magazine release.