Shaman King Wiki

Reincarnation 223: Neutral, That's All (中庸ということ Chūyō to iu koto) is the 223rd chapter of the Shaman King manga.

Short Summary[]

As the fight continues, Tao Ren uses Shamanic Oracle to evade Gundali Myooh's strikes. Ren notices that Yainage's neutralizing ability feels like Asakura Yoh's attacks and announces that he will demonstrate how to defeat the trick. Yainage points out that Ren is wasting his time since the members of Gandhara have different abilities and techniques. However, Ren disregards Gandhara's neutrality and power because he is looking beyond them. Yainage attacks him again, but Ren uses a new Over Soul to knock him aside.

Meanwhile, John Denbat, Larch Dirac, and Porf Griffith head out to prepare something by themselves.

Long Summary[]

Characters Appearances[]

