Shaman King Wiki

Reincarnation 229: Vs. Magical Princess (VSバーサス MAGICALマジカル PRINCESSプリンセス Bāsasu Majikaru Purinsesu) is the 229th chapter of the Shaman King manga.

Short Summary[]

Meeting Team "The Ren" as they leave the arena, Kyōyama Anna tells them to ask Chocolove McDonnell about Gandhara and the Five Elemental Warriors, and warns them that they will be fighting Asakura Yoh next. Meanwhile, Marco Lasso is driving Iron Maiden Jeanne and Lyserg Diethel, as well as Oyamada Manta and Tamamura Tamao. Along the way, they all reflect on the deaths so far in the Shaman Fight and question if seeking revenge is true justice. Jeanne and the X-Laws wish for there to be peace on earth.

At Patch Stadium, the next match is Team "Hana-Gumi" against Team "Magical Princess". The old women look down on the young women, but as soon as the fight starts, Kanna Bismarch kills Lil Red.

Long Summary[]

Characters Appearances[]

