Shaman King Wiki

Reincarnation 246: Come Back to Life (蘇れ Yomigaere) is the 246th chapter of the Shaman King manga.

Short Summary[]

Asakura Yoh, who was resurrected by Johann Faust VIII, asks him to revive Sati Saigan next. When Team "Tsuki-Gumi" try to interfere, Yoh easily dispatches them and then informs Namari that Team "Funbari Onsen" is back in the Shaman Fight. However, everything is interrupted when the Oracle Bells alert everyone about a fleet of ships—led by Oyamada Mansumi—approaching the island Tokyo.

Yoh later explains the revival plan to Oyamada Manta while they fly in the Golem to Kyōyama Anna's location.

Long Summary[]

Characters Appearances[]

