Shaman King Wiki

Reincarnation 260: One Bad Woman (悪い女 Warui On'na) is the 260th chapter of the Shaman King manga.

Short Summary[]

Before leaving, Asakura Hao puts the responsibility for Oyamada Mansumi's involvement on Yoh for bringing along Manta. Redseb Muntzer bickers with Mikihisa for withdrawing their team and plots how to use Golem to take down Hao.

Meanwhile, Luchist Lasso leads Marco to the inn and, along the way, informs him about current events and Hans Reiheit, a former X-Laws member. At the inn, they meet up with the Asakura and Tao Families.

Manta and Yoh decide to try talking to Mansumi, but Kyōyama Anna rejects the idea and reveals that Manta's phone was bugged. Smashing the phone, she points out that the fight on the beach will be their last chance for training before fighting Hao.

Long Summary[]

Characters Appearances[]

