Shaman King Wiki


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The Seminoa Tribe (セミノア族 Seminoa-zoku) was a fictional Native American tribe in the Shaman King manga and anime series.[1]


The Seminoa were a shaman tribe living in the south west of North America 1000 years ago. During the Shaman Fight in AD 1500, Hao—reincarnated as a Patch Tribe member—used the Spirit of Fire to wipe out most of the tribe. The remaining members warned others of the Patch Tribe and the Shaman Fight with "The Song of Doom" (滅びの歌 Horobi no Uta).[1]

500 years later, Lilirara showed the past events to Asakura Yoh, Tao Ren, Umemiya Ryunosuke, and Usui Horokeu.[2] Hao killed her after finally showing that he was back, ending the tribe for good.[3]



  • The Seminoa Tribe name is based on the Native Seminole People.
  • The shamanic traditions are similar to various native tribes like the Pueblo tribe and several other tribes that live in the Southwest.
  • The Kachina dolls are similar to Apache and Plains native culture dolls.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Shaman King Manga - Chapter 81
  2. Shaman King Manga - Chapters 82-83
  3. Shaman King Manga - Chapter 84

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