Shaman King Wiki


Light"How small."Light

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The Tao Family is the third story arc in the Shaman King series. The story tells of Yoh and his friends on their way to China to assist Tao Ren on his personal family business. This arc introduces the Tao Family and their shaman background which links to Ren's past.


Intrusion before Celebration[]

Saving Ren[]

Facing the Gohukuseitai[]

Ren's New Path[]

Preparing for Departure[]

Anime/Manga Differences[]

Battle & Events[]

  • Asakura Yoh vs. Boz
  • Tao Ren vs. Tao Yúan
  • Yoh's Group vs. Gohukuseitai
  • Yoh's Group vs. Tao Yúan



Arc Navigation[]
