The Loafers (ザ・ローファー Za Rōfā) is a fictional character in the Shaman King manga series. She is the ghost of a high school girl who became Amano Teruko's Guardian Ghost.[1]
The Loafers was a high school girl who died during Amano Teruko's suicidal jump. Sympathizing with Teruko, who had survived the jump, the girl decided to become the woman's Guardian Ghost. The Loafers is positive-minded and kind-spirited and watches over the less stable Teruko. After seeing that Teruko and Hans Reiheit had fallen in love, The Loafers moves on to the afterlife in peace.[1] In 2014, The Loafers returns to Teruko's side after she sensed Teruko's intense desire to help Hans and the X-Laws in their search for Marco Lasso.[2]
As part of Teruko's Ushi no toki mairi cursing,[3] The Loafers would use her large weight to press down on the target. However, the spirit disliked violence so, unbeknownst to Teruko, she made the victims fall into comas instead and then lied to Teruko about "killing" them.[1]
In Teruko's new style, The Loafers hugs the target and channels Teruko's immense love into them. This technique is focused on pacifying and befriending the target instead of killing them.[2]
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