Shaman Fight occur once each 500 years. This page list important events that is known during each SF
Before the first Shaman Fight[]
In anime Egypt team claim that the first shaman came from Egypt [1]. At an unknown year, Grey Saucer crash into Patch Village and was treated by the shamans. He then taught Patch about the Oracle Bell. Rutherfor question if Shaman Fight were started by aliens to observe human[2]
Shaman Fight 1500 BC[]
According to Hao the first Shaman King was born in the Mū[3] but it is unknown if he meant literally born, or figuratively coronated as the Shaman King. But if it was literal then the God with fin might be the winner of that time.
Shaman Fight 1000 BC[]
Winnter: Zeus (middle figure in G8), since Greek history happen around this time
Shaman Fight 500 BC[]
Winner: Someone from Gandhara tribe, possibly Sidharta Gautama [4]
Shaman Fight year 0[]
Winnter: Jesus Christ
Shaman Fight 500 AC[]
Shaman Fight 1000 AC[]
Asakura Hao Enter Shaman Fight during this era and were killed by unknown means/circumstances. Pascal Avaf met Gandhara tribe and asked to join them but killed by Hao [5]
Shaman Fight 1500 AC[]
Winner: YVS
Faust ancestor, John Faust was in this era of SF and made contact with the devil Mephisto[6]. Hao reborn as Patch Tribe member, to steal Spirit of Fire and eventually lose to Asakura Yohken. At unknown point he met YVS who participate in this tournament and later win it [7]
The Patch Tribe that oversee this SF ended up convert into YVS's Knight Templar before Hao become the next Shaman King.
Shaman Fight 2000 AC[]
Winner: Hao
The Shaman Fight that happens in Shaman King