Zinc (ジンク Jinku) is a fictional character in the Shaman King 2001 anime series. He is one of the Ten Patch Officiants.
Zinc is a very tall brown-haired man. He wears a long Patch cloak and has two earrings, one of them is the medium for his guardian spirits.
Zinc is evil, Cooky and very spoiled and he clearly dislikes following the rules.
Abilities and Powers[]
- See More: Zinc Arms
Zinc's multiple spirits Over Soul which gives him ten guardian ghosts in total. into armor. Each every ghost become solidifies through their symbolic numerous medium, creating an armor that is highly versatile.
Shaman Fights Second Round[]
Anime/Manga Difference[]
Zinc is a 2001 anime only character and as such does not appear in the manga series. He takes the place of Magna, who did not appear in the 2001 anime series. He was the companion of Nichrom, who both openly followed and supported the ideals of Asakura Hao.
- Like the other members of the Patch Tribe, he is named after an element, Zinc.
External Links[]